Digital Marketing in Education Sector

Digital Marketing TACITO CURY

Whoever works in education and is in charge of enrollments can agree that, increasing its rate has been the toughest task for education institutes. It is evident that 85% of students use the Internet as a source of information for their studies or projects. From Y generation to centennials – youngsters are spending their maximum time on the Internet; it’s not only for entertainment even for information, projects and new skill development. In such scenario, an educational institute should leverage its power through different online platforms. My nephew refuses to come a traditional university to further his academic studies. He has confirmed and proven to be better off doing everything online.


Internet has revolutionized education sector completely. Which University from the list of the best in the world does not have an online program or does not apply digital marketing concepts to attract new students?


On that note, we can safely assume that if we are not seen online, we just don’t exist! Simple as that – lack of brand awareness and strategy, leads to low student enrollment rate.


Institutions providing higher education are using digital marketing as one of the most effective ways of engaging students. A step by step approach and planned strategy implemented in the right manner is helping these institutes. Most important thing for these educational institutes is to target the right audience, which is student. What about the small institutes, are they also doing that? As a Global Director of a private educational company, we have struggled to grasp this technique but we finally understood and start to make it our daily routine.


While deciding digital marketing strategy for education institutes very important fact to consider is the need of different students, not everyone is same. Communication and discussion on digital marketing should address every set of students regarding need, their psychology and way of learning are different.

Most important methods for digital marketing for education are website search engine optimization (SEO), mobile optimization, social media engagement and community building. Social media plays very important role as 99% of students are active on different social media platforms. Sharing relevant information through the website and social channels also give very positive results. In another words, though it is much faster and easier to post the same content throughout all your social media platforms, the result yielded might not be the expected one as your twitter post might not be of any relevance to your followers on Instagram or Facebook.


Digital marketing not only drive better results even its most cost effective and measurable. It is providing highest conversion rate comparing to traditional marketing methods.


Digital Marketing For School

Your school website isn’t the only thing that’ll help keep your students coming. You will attract prospective students by executing a complete digital marketing strategy specifically made for educational institutions.


Discover how you can help your school to get more reach:

You must understand your target market better: Decision-making steps of parents, peers, their expectations from your institute, their usage of digital channels etc.



Let’s develop a relationship with the potential student or their community by consistently communicating with them, which can increase engagement, and possibly enrollment.

Use social mentions with full potential to spread awareness for school and manage brand image-

  • Promote the school values, goals and aspirations ( iTTi – Free English Classes to your community)
  • Inform potential students and their friends of events and extra-curricular activities ( Info Sessions, workshops)
  • Queries and answers about the school ( iTTi , Accreditation)
  • Strengthening relationships with the local community ( School, MEO, Private organizations)
  • Share ideas and discuss issues (Blog, network within iTTi) (Job Opportunities)
  • Celebrate school achievements (Have an iTTi Cake)
  • Communicate effectively with students (Facebook Group..)

To remain relevant and keeping pace with changing student and peer expectations, schools should adapt accordingly. Digital marketing helps you to engage with your target market with most effective way.




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